Monday, October 27, 2008


Oh readers,

I can think of nothing to write about today. I spent a miserable weekend at the bottom of a basket of stuffed animals. Illiterate riff raff. Can you spot me wedged between the grinning idiot tiger and gorilla?

My spirits are dashed. With Annie away on an important business meeting, I was left to the whims of two weasels and their unobservant guardian. I don't even know what the weather was like.

Thankfully Annie rescued me and restored me to my proper place and gave me a bourbon neat to revive me. Here I am with a couple of friends-- Bernice, the pig, and Big Mickey. We call him that because he looks like me, but we're not related.

I hope to have more to offer you next week.

Your friend, in suffering and in happiness,

Monday, October 13, 2008

Frog Goes on Walk Looking for Cure

Hello Readers and Happy Columbus Day!

He may not have discovered America, but he was certainly a good sailor.

Well, this weekend was very busy. For one, I went to the circus. More on that in a later blog. For two, the Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk took place on Castle Island in South Boston. You may have heard of Alan's Angels. Well, they took part in this walk that raised over $278,000, and they were sporting our Orange Frog! This frog has never been on a pancreatic cancer research walk before, and here he is on an entire team of walkers!

[Click on image for a larger view.]

They sure look good!

Here at Harriet and Mickey's we are in favor of all kinds of walks. Walking is good for your health: walking uphill lowers triglycerides and walking downhill lowers your blood sugar. I like to eat sugar so I stick mainly to the downhill walks.

Happy walking to you this week,

Your friend,
and health advisor
and personal trainer,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Hello Fine Readers,

Do you like apples? I do. I like them right off the tree.

This weekend I went apple picking with the weasels. I picked 4 pecks and a bushel, and I carried them back from the orchard with a tractor.

How, you are wondering, were you able to reach the apples, being as short as you are? Well, curious reader, I didn't bring George's ladder, I brought my handy stool which I received for Christmas last year. I'm sure you remember.

When I got home, I made a pie.

People make a big deal about pies, and I am willing to eat them for breakfast, but I don't actually consider them dessert. Chocolate is more my thing, and I regret that there is not a chocolate picking season. However there are some seasonal chocolates of which I am very fond. They're only $14.

Here is to apple picking season and to chocolate all year round.

Your friend,