Monday, November 17, 2008

Coming Clean

Ach! Dear readers! I missed a week!

Sorry! It all started when I realized I hadn't taken a bath in a while.

Look how filthy I was. Harriet was reading The Bookseller of Kabul in which people also bathe at long intervals, and she suggested that I consider taking a bath. Generally I don't like to bathe. It takes me a long time to air dry, and I don't like being flung about in a dryer.

But I took Harriet's advice and then spent last week in the window, waiting for sun to dry me. As you know, there was a great rain spell, and it took longer than expected. My apologies again. It does feel nice to be clean, and I imagine you too, reader, appreciate having a clean writer.

Here is a special treat to make up for it. A lovely animation by one of Annie's students with music from Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier:

Until next week, I remain
your clean and dry, correspondent,

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